Introducing… Mosquito Parasailing!
Our Newest Attraction in the Miami of Minnesota!
We know…
You’re probably wondering how that’s possible. Well, we’ve got a special place on the Mississippi River called Mosquito Island, and we don’t know if it’s because of aliens or radiation or what, but the mosquitoes there got really, really big. Like, really big. We’re always striving to be just like the real Miami, but we don’t have any of those fancy parasail boats like they have, so we started a special training program to teach our mosquitoes to take people for rides. AMAZING, right?
Solo Beginner/Chicken
5-Minute Ride over Levee Park
Safety Harness
Life Preserver (just in case)
Bug Spray
Diaper (adult and youth sizes)
Beginner/Chicken Family
Everything in the Solo Beginner/Chicken Package PLUS:
Waterproof bag
Next of Kin contact form
Religious book of your choice (in case you want to pray together)
Daredevil Solo or Family
Five-Minute Ride over the Mississippi River
Everything in the Beginner/Chicken Package PLUS:
Tracking device
Search and Rescue Team standing by (just in case)
Feeling Extra Brave?
Maybe our LUNATIC Package is for you!
Lunatic Package - Solo Only
Five-Minute Ride (or more) over our Alligator Park in the Mississippi River
No Safety Harness (Riders are free-carried)
Everything else from the Daredevil Package PLUS:
$2,000 life insurance policy
Religious official of your choice on-site
We have a 2.6-star rating on Trip Advisor!
The ride was AWESOME!!! It only dropped us once but there were no alligators underneath us so it was okay. Bucket list: Check!
Henry from Duluth
WHOA! I thought the Everglades had big mosquitoes, but they aren’t even close. I don’t know what the heck is going on here, but it’s pretty cool.
Richard from Tampa
I was scared to death!!!! Thank God for the diaper.
Courtney from Mankato
It was fun until the mosquito tried to bite me. Rude. No tip.
Rachel from Chicago
This is the most insane thing I’ve ever seen in my life. What are these hell creatures? It’s not natural - I watched one of them eat a man. Beware.
Justine from Minneapolis
Ready for the experience of a LIFETIME?
Click on the form below to register today
Breaking News
Breaking News
New Mosquito Attraction shut down by officials as rogue mosquitoes overtake city
By Richard Przybyszewski, Midwest News Channel
Updated 11:51 AM CDT, Mon April 1, 2024
(Midwest News Channel) — What began as an innovative plan to boost tourism in one Southeastern Minnesota city has erupted into chaos after a fleet of giant mosquitoes trained to give “parasail” rides to people turned on their handlers, ate them, and began hunting the city looking for random people to give “rides” to.
The creatures, whose origins are shrouded in mystery, had been outfitted with harnesses and trained to give brief thrill rides, including over an alligator park in the Mississippi River at Winona, Minn., officials say. The mosquito attraction, created by Winona’s tourism bureau in an effort to compare the city to Miami, Fla., promised to give riders “the thrill of a lifetime” by offering progressively more dangerous packages that extended from a land ride using a harness to a ride over the city’s alligator park, Minnesota Gators, with riders held only by the grip of the mosquito’s legs. The Lunatic Package had a poor safety record and officials were ruminating over whether the attraction should be shut down, but no one could agree on what agency had authority over mosquito rides due to the attraction’s one-of-a-kind nature.
Early Monday, several mosquitoes left Mosquito Island, a holding area for the giant insects, and instead of reporting to Levee Park for work, began flying over the city. Witnesses say that the bugs were swooping down on unsuspecting people and carrying them away as horrified bystanders looked on. On hearing that the mosquitoes had gone rogue, two ride handlers attempted to catch and harness the creatures but were eaten whole by them instead. A tourism bureau official who asked her identity not be revealed because she was not authorized to speak on the matter, called the incident unfortunate and said she believes the mosquitoes are just confused. “You train them and train them to give rides to anyone who walks up, so it’s not surprising that they think everyone likes rides,” she said. “I think they believe they are doing what they were trained to do. Either that or they’re being controlled by alien overlords.”
The whereabouts of three people are unknown, though officials have confirmed that one man was dropped into the city’s alligator attraction, which is in a roped-off area located in the backwaters of the Mississippi River. He was rescued by an alligator handler, who happened to be in a kayak at the time, and is reportedly receiving medical care for minor injuries including his uncontrolled crying. Search and rescue teams have been deployed, said Emergency Response Coordinator Bruce Jedrzejczyk, as have tactical units. “We’ve got snipers in the air and water patrols out looking, even though we basically have no idea where these things have taken folks. But we’re going to find these people,” he said. “Unless they’ve been eaten, then we’re for sure not going to find them.”
The giant mosquitoes were discovered last year on Mosquito Island, a favorite boating destination in the Mississippi River. In recent years, boaters had begun to avoid the island, claiming that the mosquitoes seemed bigger than usual. Entomologists say they haven’t got a clue why the mosquitoes are so big, saying it could be perhaps a freak radiation burst or hybridization by aliens. Many were surprised at how easily the insects took to being trained, though skeptics warned that it was likely part of a plot to take over Winona.
Officials say the situation continues to be unpredictable and are warning individuals to stay indoors until the city’s siren sounds to indicate the all-clear.
Stay tuned for updates.
We have so many other great attractions - experience them all!
The Gator Gauntlet
Zip Line
An attraction that redefines the words “Thrill Ride”
Situated over our alligator slews in the backwaters of the Mississippi River, the Gator Gauntlet is an unforgettable adventure that helps you kick up your heels and feel alive as you zip line over hungry alligators that can jump up to five feet out of the water.
“I’ve never been so scared in my life. I thank God I only lost a shoe. I don’t know how this is legal.”
Right?! Thanks, Mary! This excitement is what it’s all about. You’ve never been more invigorated than when you think you’re going to die but you don’t. The Gator Gauntlet offers a priceless experience!
*People almost never die.
**We’re sure it’s legal because we can’t find any laws in Minnesota saying you can’t zipline over alligators.
We don’t like to label things with words like “safe” - like, is anything really safe?
No - those are far more friendly* than these. To keep the ride exciting, these alligators are not fed daily and are expected to fend for themselves in the backwaters.
*We use the term “friendly” very liberally.
Absolutely! If they are old enough to understand how to hold their feet up, they are ready for the thrill of a lifetime.
Yes! You can bundle the Gator Gauntlet, Fly With Flamingos and Swim With Gators attractions into one fun-filled pass for a day of adventure.
*No refunds will be issued in the event that you don’t survive one of the attractions.
Included with every ticket purchase:
Safety harness
Souvenir photo
Disposable diaper (adult and youth sizes)
Next-of-kin contact form
Add-on specials for adventurers:
Raw meat leg weights
Tickets start at just
We have so many other great attractions - experience them all!
Fly With Flamingos!
While you’re here:
Winona, Minnesota, is proud to be the home of the nation’s only live flamingo ride attraction*, with a flock of specially bred cold-weather flamingos ready to give your little ones a thrill.
With the overwhelming popularity of our Swim with Gators attraction, we decided to really channel our Miami vibe** and open Fly With Flamingos. Trust us, your kids are going to love it, and you’ll be making memories for a lifetime. Spots are filling up fast - get yours today.
*At least we think so
**Winona is the Miami of Minnesota - it is the warmest place in the state and located in Minnesota exactly where Miami is in Florida. Plus, we have miles of beaches too. And yes, we heard that flamingos haven’t bred in Florida for 100 years and don’t live in Miami. But we think that’s just a dirty rumor and so we’re still going with it. Anyway, your kids are going to love it.
Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
And don’t miss the attraction that started it all:
There is nothing on earth like the thrill of swimming with an alligator, and Minnesota Gators is the only place on earth selling the experience. Our friendly*, specially trained** team of alligators is here on the banks of the Mississippi River to give you that experience. Bundle it with the Fly With Flamingos experience for special pricing on a day full of excitement in Winona.
* While our alligators are generally friendly, they are still predators, and we cannot guarantee that you won’t be bit if one is having an off day.
**Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are actively recruiting for trainers to fill several open positions. Contact us for details.
Your kids will never forget the magic of feeding an alligator by hand, riding on the back of our albino alligator Prince, or even getting in the water and swimming next to alligators while our friendly trainers chum up the water in a feeding frenzy!
*All parents must sign a waiver absolving Minnesota Gators from all legal responsibilities, including the loss of limbs, bleeding, and/or death.
NEW!! We know not everyone wants to get in the water with our alligators, so Minnesota Gators now offers land rides too!
Makes a great gift!
Nothing says “I love you” like a day of adventure, so treat that special someone to an experience they’ll never forget!
Bonus - you might even get to be a hero, and how exciting is that?